InterMarE South Baltic Marketing- and Branding Strategy

As the leading partner for the creation of the entire marketing strategy for the region "Southern Baltic Sea" (WP3), Wismar University of Applied Sciences and the European Project Center developed the marketing strategy in demand in the EU project "InterMarE South Baltic - Internationalization of the Maritime Economy of the Southern Baltic Sea".

In doing so, the EPC team decided to strengthen not only the aspects of marketing, but at the same time the branding and positioning of the brand "InterMarE South Baltic" as a network and cluster brand. The results of the other EU projects, which have already addressed aspects and tools of marketing (Design EntrepreneurShip and CTCC), also served as inputs. By integrating cross-sectoral concepts, the EPC team aims to combine knowledge and create new synergies.

The marketing and branding strategy serves as an important guide for regional small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to support Blue Growth in the region and across the EU, as well as to set the course for sustainable development in line with the European Green Deal. 

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