CTCC: International Creative Congress Design Plus and Partner Meeting

The Dean of the Faculty of Design of Hochschule Wismar Prof. Achim Hack had presented the Triple Helix model of innovation used in the CTCC project to help SMEs in developing new products. The presentation explained how the communication problem between three disciplines (Design, Economics, Engineering) affects the process of creation as well as the importance of integration of the design, technology, and market at the beginning of that process.

The hands-on effect of Triple Helix was introduced more detailed during the workshops on the second day of the congress. The workshops helped startups participating in the CTCC project to prototype their future business processes and find better solutions for marketing their products.

The Partner Meeting was dedicated to update the current status of working packages implementation and to agree upon further actions, in particular upon the next Steering Committee and Partner meeting, collecting the success stories of the project, improving the digital map, etc.

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