One of the project goals in the UXiship Erasmus + project is to expand capacity in the six partner universities in Kazakhstan (Kostanay State Bajtursynov University, Almaty Management University and Caspian State University) and Russia (Kazan National Technical Research University, Rostov State Economic University, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University).
From March 30th to April 15th 2021, three EU higher education institutions (Tallinn University of Technology, EKA University of Riga and University of Applied Sciences Wismar) are offering their colleagues in Kazakhstan and Russia the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the latest tools and know-how as part of a series of training courses in the field of entrepreneurship.
Lecturers and professors as well as students see the greatest demand for knowledge in the areas of business model development, service design, IT project management, sustainable SME growth and digitalisation. Three EU partner universities offer either live training courses on these topics or provide remote access to the lectures that have already been recorded or tools that are already in use and in great demand in the projects CTCC (sustainable innovation development in SMEs) and Connect2SmallPorts (digitalisation in ports and terminals; Blockchain and Industry 4.0). Thus, the EPC and the University of Applied Sciences Wismar have repeatedly created synergies and pave the way for exchange of experiences within and outside of Europe.