Awards for the best bachelor theses

The proud award winners (from left to right):
Niklas Dethmann, Marlene Kortenkamp, Julia Puhlmann and Christopher Rohde. Source: Wismar UAS/M.Wolf

It is a tradition at the Wismar Business School to award a prize for the best bachelor theses each semester. Jana Wegner, an alumna of our faculty and a partner and auditor and tax consultant at the multidisciplinary commercial law firm Möhrle Happ Luther, travelled from Berlin to Wismar to congratulate the prizewinners and present the awards. She was supported by the faculty's dean of studies, Prof. Dr. Frank Maaser, as well as the supervising professors and their representatives.

This semester's best include:

Business law

“In the area of conflict between employer and employee interests: An analysis of German further education law”

by Marlene Kortenkamp
First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Bücker
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas von Schubert

Business Administration

“Logistics in a service company”

by Julia Puhlmann
First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Maaser
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Petra Leitert

Business Informatics (There were two excellent theses in this field this year)

“Investigation of the effects of RPA on information security in business enterprises”

by Christopher Rohde
First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marianne Schmolke
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tobias Brendel

“Paperless Office in the aviation industry: A contribution to climate neutrality using a practical example”

by Niklas Dethmann
First supervisor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Wißotzki
Second supervisor: Ms. Krause (Collins Aerospace, Lübeck site)

We warmly congratulate our graduates on their outstanding achievements and wish them every success in the future.

Special thanks go to Jana Wegner and Möhrle Happ Luther GmbH for their many years of support and commitment.

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